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  • Writer's pictureBloomfield College Underground

Two Poems from Omar Morales

Feel the Feels

Sometimes I feel Emotional

But then I am Reminded a man doesn’t feel

Not even when you feel that that impact on your head

Don’t feel that pain, just get up and keep playing

Don’t you dare show your feelings

Even in constant pain, don’t you dare cry

When you feel that tear come out

Suck it up, bitch!

Don’t be a bitch—

Don't feel pain

Don’t feel depressed,

Don’t feel stressed

You can’t feel hurt when your girl cheats on you—

Expected to feel nothing,

“Fuck that bitch” you say

But inside your heart is crying

Your heart is in the feels,

Feeling every inch of pain

Feeling depressed

But on the outside you feel “fine”

Don’t you dare care

Don’t feel attached to your wifey

Feel nothing


“Soft guys don’t play”

Exactly coach, soft guys don’t tend to make it far

Constantly having feelings

One-night stands are foreign to feelings

That one-night stand caught those feelings

Feel this

Feel that

Don’t feel that way

But can I tell you something?

Even tho I’m scared

I have hella feelings for you

But I gotta act like I don’t fucking care

Why am I so scared to show you my feelings?

What have I become?

Someone so unrecognizable

No longer shows any type of feelings

Only “I’m fine”

Is that what you think about your feelings?

All those beautiful feelings reduced to two simple words:

Feel confident


Feel Happy



Dear Future Generations,

America, you claim WE are the problem

That MY people bring in drugs

That WE deal the toxicity that flow the very slums WE live in

But I’m no drug dealer


But a dealer of inspiration

Showing that Aspirations for US aren’t impossible

That we can Dream

Like the DREAMERs

Ellos tambien suena

Dream to be someone in this land of opportunity

Pero families are still separated

But hey MR.President

Latinos aren’t lazy

WE don’t line up on the lines to get food stamps and welfare

White people like you claim the most

You think cause you're American you are entitled to these rights?

What happened to the “American Dream”?

That hard work and dedication will get you a stable lifestyle

But NO!

Not those aspirations of Becoming a Drug Lord

I don’t want to become a “EL Chapo”

OR a “Pablo Escobar”

But a Carlos Slim… I bet most of you don’t know who that is

No, he isn’t a drug Lord!


WE don’t all deal drugs!

But he is a dealer…

A dealer of stocks and investments

I bet he can provide his taxes MR.President

Even better he can afford to build that wall you claim will keep us out

But in reality, WE want you out!

White people like you, who claim WE are threats

But yet celebrate Cinco DE Mayo…

You Idiot that isn’t even our Independence Day!

September 16th, 1810...

Not even your Ivy League education

Educated you right, Mr.President








Puerto Ricans


AND the rest of my Hermanos y Hermanas

WE ARE Latinos!

Latinos Siempre Unidos

Let me remind you that the United States isn’t all American

New Mexico







Todos eran de Mexico!

Let me not get started on what happened to my hermanos y hermanas de Panama!

MR. President I may not attend no Ivy League

I may have almost been part of the 12% that drop out of high school

I may have cut grass and wiped windows when I was younger

I may have lined up on the welfare lines

I may have lived in the projects

But now I am busy making Projects

No Senor, I will not be another number

I will not contribute to that 12^%

I will be part of that 1%

Yes, a Latino

Even better a Mexican!

Viva Mexico!


My name is Omar Morales, I'm a Graphic Design Major. . .
And Fun fact- I'm a First generation high school graduate and soon to be first generation college graduate!
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