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  • Writer's pictureBloomfield College Underground

Two Poems from La'Quwajah Fulton

I hate when these plugs be part time

Go to college and all of a sudden you want to quit this lifestyle

Wanna be a good samaritan and shit

Don’t even get me started on you starting a career

I called and asked if you was around

You declined my call but followed up with a message

Not only did you say you wasn’t around but you also said you were at work

What is work?

You supposed to be trapping not at work

Legal activities shouldn’t be a part of your daily life

And on top when you finally come back to earth

you tryna persuade me to try out your different strains

For a higher price

Like we’re at a auction and your the bidder

Your obviously still stuck on the planet you just came from

Bro just give me what I asked for

Like how do you commit crime all your life and suddenly decide it isn’t for you

You signed up for this

Put your life on the line for this

Risked your freedom for this

Just to throw it all away

I mean bettering yourself is good and all but

Where am I going to get weed from now?


Cycle of Life

I watched your last tear drop

Right before

I was pulled by the cycle of life


force of the universe


Worry not

You knew it would happen

Didn't they

your friends, your family

Tell you

Don't mourn over the dead



And more darkness

The darkness matches my soul

It is my mood

I cried, I’m still crying

Something is pulling me towards light

I’m trapped in the dark place again

I guess I’ve made it to hell

But something keeps pulling me

I just want to be alone

Leave me here,

This is where god decide

What’s it gonna be

Heaven or Hell?

The doctor successfully pulled me out of the dark place

But where am I now?

Who are these people

I’m surrounded by strangers

So I cry and cry

But then

this soothing voice pulls me closer

and cradled me on her breast

And at that moment I realized

I am not in heaven


There’s no heaven or hell

We just start all over again


When it comes to creating poems I try to relate as much as I can to the audience. More times than few I asked people for their opinion and I go off of what they say especially for "I hate when these Plugs be Part-time. In other cases I go off of something that happens throughout the day or out of my own curiosity much like 'Cycle of life'
I was born in South Carolina and raised in Newark NJ my major is Education
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