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'Sex 101' by Rayne Russell

Updated: Apr 27, 2019

Sex 101

There’s no sugar coding what happens in sex

There’s no hand holding when the intensity hits and you’re stuck under a hungry long-lasting gaze

There’s no running away when you’re too pussy to deal with

Your pussy being attacked in the most pleasant and complex way

Sex is like entering a war zone,

The lead up soft and gentle

Passionate moist kisses

Sweet embraces

Seductive ripping away of each other’s clothes

Leaving soft trails of electric kisses

shocking the skin when sucked into pink,


Maybe purple,

Deadly markings impossible to miss,

Fingers entering in and out of you while your golden area is being toyed with like a new video game controller,

No longer fighting to gain any type of dominance or control,

You are now at the hands of your other,

Pushing away at their head that has been filling you up like lava when the volcano is due to erupt,





Blowing up a cascading explosion of sweetness,

Sex will push the limits in which you thought you could handle,

Upside down,

Right side up,

Turned around,



Reverse cowgirl,


An endless moment of exploration,

Both bodies becoming weaker and weaker,

Begging to stop this sensation of unpredictability,

Yet the lust that glazes over your eyes like a lion ready to attack a gazelle,

All thoughts being silenced by vibrations flowing through the body,

A rapid pulsation between the legs becomes intolerable,

The war begins

The aggression within binds the two together

Hands and arms super glued to the wall…

Or was it the bed?

Can’t remember but…,

The intensity becomes too intense to where the intention of you becomes too irresistible to care

Left trailing along the body in which has been marked



And bitten

Whispers small and out of breath,

But loud enough only for you to understand,

Licking and sucking every inch that’s unclaimed,

With what energy is left,

Entangling bodies together,

Lost in time,

Trapped in a moment of pure excitement,

Sex is an adventurous maze in which I haven't had the pleasure of losing my way into or finding my way out of,

But I guess this is a nice way to sum it up.


Hi, my name is Rayne Russell.

I am currently a sophomore Broadcast Journalism major at Bloomfield College. I have been writing all kinds of things since I was young ranging from short stories, poetry, and plays. The reason I write poetry mainly is for the freedom of expression. With poetry you can grab hold of anything you are feeling inside and expand on it in so many different ways. This can help anyone who is going through similar things to relate. I guess you can say I write as an outlet but to also tell a story, because you never know who you can inspire or motivate. One of my main goals is to provide a platform for people on all different mediums of art and creativity to help them build their brands and expand. There are so many talented to people out there who just have so much to share and I want to help in any way possible. Fun Fact that is why I started my radio show Spoken Word Hour. I wanted to use my small platform at WBCR Bloomfield College Radio to help artists (rappers and poets) to showcase live and acapella. The reason being is to show people that there is more to them than a lyric and a beat.

Give me a follow on IG at: spokenwordhour

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