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  • Writer's pictureBloomfield College Underground

'Not Our Fault' by Maydoli Garcia

Not Our Fault

5 years old

Red and white checkered dress and pigtails,

That’s who I was. . .

A little girl who cared about Dora The Explorer and candy

I was very loving to everyone around me,

I was used to the love surrounding me

I didn't kNOw that my uncle putting his penis in me wasn't love

Twelve years old

Developing much quicker

My body is much more curvy

Doesn't matter about my body, I'm still a kid

Being felt up in places that have not yet been explored

Catcalled “Hola mami, ese cuerpo tan bello. Las cosas que te puedo hacer”

Fifteen years old- Eighteen Years old

I did not kNOw that being coerced into doing things was not consent

Pa worried that rape will occur when I go to college

Being told that I am a bitch for saying NO

Yet I don't think you understand the word NO

Yet again, according to Delta Kappa Epsilon "NO MEANS YES! YES MEANS ANAL!"

Wait a minute! That's the same fraternity that Brett Kavanaugh was in

Someone who has a possibility of being in the Supreme Court. A rapist in the Supreme Court

Brock Turner, who brutally raped a girl...3 months in jail for good behavior

Jameis Winston from the Buccaneers –better known as a rapist and sexual assaulter—

Let’s not forget Ben Roethlisberger from the Steelers, a rapist who settled it with money,

As if money eases the woman's pain and trauma

I don't see none of y'all football fans in outrage when they rape people

Yet throw a huge tantrum when someone kneels for racial injustice

What were you wearing last night?

Were you intoxicated?

Did you lead him on?


Let me tell you when it is a woman’s fault...

When she is the rapist.

No debate here.

If you can't get "pussy" without forcing yourself on her

You're pathetic.

Why didn't you report it earlier? Why didn't you say anything?

Since the Brett Kavanaugh vs. Christine Blasey Ford trail...

She has received death threats

Moved out of her home four times

Had to hire private security

We do it for attention?

To ruin men's’ lives?

Tell me how someone would want death threats in return for attention...


Brown University, University of Connecticut, Dartmouth College, Harvard, Stanford, Phi Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Brock Turner, Ben Roethlisberger, Jameis Winston, James Franco, Louis C.K, Steven Seagal, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, George H.W Bush, Al Franken, Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump and more. . .

Out of every 1000 rapes, 994 perpetrators will walk free...

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